

SUSTAINABLE development is the concept of development based on environmental conservation. the principles of sustainable development should be implemented in different activities. the activities that are beyond the principles of sustainable development should not be conducted. such type of activities if continued will deteriorate the environment and they affect living living beings. it also develops imbalance in economic and social development activities. it may develop a wider gap between rich and poor that further deteriorates the environment. the development activities that are launched without a long-term vision cannot last for a long time. unsustainable development brings inequality in the socio-economic aspects. while conducting any type of the development activities it is necessary to integrate the conservation program with them. The World Development Report states that "the development will be weaker without the conservation of the environment and without the development there will be scarcity of the resources for the investment and in turn the conservation of the environment will be a failure." the available resources should be used properly without their depletion. it is necessary to increase the productivity of the agricultural land. the forest products should be utilized in a proper manner for the development of the industries. the development of the industries will provide job opportunity to the people. these development activities should not ignore to integrate the conservation efforts. this will help for alleviation of poverty and conservation of the environment. to achieve these objectives the principles of sustainable development should be applied in a wider scale.
There are numerous areas that can make an application of sustainable development. they include strategies of caring earth, conservation of forest, watershed conservation, nuclear energy production and mobilization. bio-engineering and eco-tourism are also the areas that make the application of sustainable development. one of the most important areas of application of sustainable development is eco-tourism. in 1995 the World Conference on sustainable tourism adopted a charter that encouraged the development of laws that would promote the dual goals of the economic development through tourism and protection of environment. highlighting the growing importance of sustainable tourism, the world tourism organization declared 2002 the International Year of Eco-tourism. sustainability was focus of the 1992 earth Summit and later was central to a multitude of environmental studies. the proper application of the principles of sustainable development will contribute, to some extent, to reduce the gap between development and developing countries in terms of their economic and social development. the effective application of the principles of sustainable development will keep a healthy harmony between earth and living beings.


  1. It is helpful. Thanks...

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