
Interrelationship between Environment, Population and Development

It is obvious that people depend on the environment to get the things whatever they want. They think that environment is an unlimited resources. An increase of population demands more food, more shelter, more services and other facilities. If the population growth is higher, the natural resources will be over used, we should integrate the environment conservation and infrastructure development. As the population increases the use of the environmental resources increases. It forces to initiate more development activities to meet the needs of the people. but the people should not forget to conserve the environment along with the development activities. it is necessary to maintain a balance between population growth, environmental resources and development activities. The relationship of people, environment and development activities needs to be maintained and continued for keeping a healthy environment. development activities should cover the necessities such as balanced food, clean drinking water, health services and security. the principle of sustainable development can be well attainment if the preliminary needs are fulfilled.Interrelationship between Environment, Population and Development

There is a close interrelationship between population, environment and development. Human being depend on the various resources of environment. Human fulfill their basic needs from the environment. They need water, air and food which are obtained from the environment. Unlike the other creature, human are not satisfy only with basic needs. They need different other facilities and materials to make their life comfortable and improve their living standard. People conducts various type of development activities for their benefits and improvement. to conduct the developmental activities the environmental aspects such as land, forest, water and modern technology are used. Development work is incomplete if the environment is not preserved and conserved. The development activities should be conducts for the welfare of human beings without harming or deteriorating the environment. the development activities take place in environment. natural resources available in the environment are used for the development activities. Development works or activities can not be conducted and move forward with natural resources. Therefore, development of the place or nation is not possible without environment. In such away, there is close interrelationship between population, environment and development. These all are modify by using the natural resources according to the wish of people. The environment provides the raw materials required to run the industries. Various aspects of development works are associated with agriculture, industry, health, transportation, security and communication. these are associated with the environment in one or way or another. development programmes should be formulated in the light of conserving various animals, plants, and their diversity. Therefore, development activities should integrate conservation programmes.
Interrelationship between Environment, Population and Development

A deep-roted relationship between human beings and environment has been established from the past. different natural resources are the backbone of development, which helps for the scientific discovery, evaluation of need theory and for all types of social development. without environment we cannot proceed our livelihood. Natural resources, healthy environment human resources development and economic development after the development of health sector.It is very much important to conduct development activities in different parts of the country for the proper distribution of their benefits. It means development activities should not be center. It is obvious that people depend on the environment to get the things whatever they want. They think that environment is an unlimited resources. An increase of population demands more food, more shelter, more services and other facilities. If the population growth is higher, the natural resources will be over used, we should integrate the environment conservation and infrastructure development. As the population increases the use of the environmental resources increases. It forces to initiate more development activities to meet the needs of the people. but the people should not forget to conserve the environment along with the development activities. it is necessary to maintain a balance between population growth, environmental resources and development activities. The relationship of people, environment and development activities needs to be maintained and continued for keeping a healthy environment. development activities should cover the necessities such as balanced Food, Clea drinking water, health services and security. the principle of sustainable development can be well attainment if the preliminary needs are fulfilled.
There is a close interrelationship between population, environment and development. Human being depend on the various resources of environment. Human fulfill their basic needs from the environment. They need water, air and food which are obtained from the environment. Unlike the other creature, human are not satisfy only with basic needs. They need different other facilities and materials to make their life comfortable and improve their living standard. People conducts various type of development activities for their benefits and improvement. to conduct the developmental activities the environmental aspects such as land, forest, water and modern technology are used. Development work is incomplete if the environment is not preserved and conserved. The development activities should be conducts for the welfare of human beings without harming or deteriorating the environment. the development activities take place in environment. natural resources available in the environment are used for the development activities. Development works or activities can not be conducted and move forward with natural resources. Therefore, development of the place or nation is not possible without environment. In such away, there is close interrelationship between population, environment and development. These all are modify by using the natural resources according to the wish of people. The environment provides the raw materials required to run the industries. Various aspects of development works are associated with agriculture, industry, health, transportation, security and communication. these are associated with the environment in one or way or another. development programmes should be formulated in the light of conserving various animals, plants, and their diversity. therefore, development activities should integrate conservation programmes.

A deep-roted relationship between human beings and environment has been established from the past. different natural resources are the backbone of development, which helps for the scientific discovery, evaluation of need theory and for all types of social development. without environment we cannot proceed our livelihood. Natural resources, healthy environment human resources development and economic development after the development of health sector.It is very much important to conduct development activities in different parts of the country for the proper distribution their benefits. It means development activities should not be centered in limited areas. It should cover various parts of the country with a view to distributing resources available in different parts of the country. it also balances the environment. It helps to balance population distribution in the country and it will contribute to keep the environment in balance. Communication, employment, social and cultural development and its various aspects. Thus environment is a common subjects associated with various aspects. we must understand that environment is as important as our life, so conservation of it is a must for the sustainable use of the resources in our development aspects. The role of people in the development process is vital. human beings is the only one cognizant creature in the earth. so, the duty ti protect the environmental components is in our hand. destruction or conservation of natural resources depends upon the activities of human beings. Human beings should plan and conduct the development activities in view of the environment conservation. This shows that development and environment are the two sides of a coin and are both related to population. Hence, environment and development are essential to human beings for the development of human civilization and to live happy and prosperous life. there must be harmonious relationship between population, development and environmental resources. sized in limited areas. It should cover various parts of the country with a view to distributing resources available in different parts of the country. it also balances the environment. It helps to balance population distribution in the country and it will contribute to keep the environment in balance. Communication, employment, social and cultural development and its various aspects. Thus environment is a common subjects associated with various aspects. we must understand that environment is as important as our life, so conservation of it is a must for the sustainable use of the resources in our development aspects. The role of people in the development process is vital. human beings is the only one cognizant creature in the earth. so, the duty ti protect the environmental components is in our hand. destruction or conservation of natural resources depends upon the activities of human beings. Human beings should plan and conduct the development activities in view of the environment conservation. This shows that development and environment are the two sides of a coin and are both related to population. Hence, environment and development are essential to human beings for the development of human civilization and to live happy and prosperous life. there must be harmonious relationship between population, development and environmental resources.

The need of Environment

The need of Environment

Environment is a broad and complex field. The surrounding is also called environment which includes living things, non-living things, and abstract things of the surroundings. The living things includes plants, animals, and microorganisms. non-living things includes air, water, soil, lands, buildings, heat, lights, etc. Abstract aspect of the environment includes culture, festivals, social norms and values etc. Environment consists of all the natural resources and human developed aspects of our surrounding. Every living organism inhabits in the environment. Human beings depend on the environmental resources for the survival and development. The needs of people are fulfilled by the available resources in the environment but not of human beings, the other living creatures needs are also covered or fulfilled by the available of recourse's in the environment. Our life is difficult in the absence of natural resources which is a part of the environment.they should be responsible to keep the environment a healthy place and sustainable habitat for all the living beings. they have several needs and aspirations, which can be met through the development activities. the development activities are always related to the environmental aspects. The environmental resources are used in infrastructure development. If the resources are used haphazardly the living standard of human goes down. If the environmental factors are favorable to human life, we can live healthy life and if the environmental factors are not favorable we human as well as all other living creature will suffer from various obstacle. it means that population, environment and development activities are interrelated to each other. people need a balanced diet, a healthy shelter, health services, entertainment and other facilities for making their life happy and healthy. So, it's our prime duty to conserve the environment to have happy and prosperous life.

Environment includes physical, biological, social, cultural and economic sectors are related to various aspects. The people conduct different development works to fulfill their needs and to arrange facilities. It brings change in present condition. the development and environment have close interrelationship. the natural resources are utilized by running industries. the development activities brings change in the environment. the environment should not be degraded by conducting development works. the development activities should not destroy the environment. But the human poverty is the obstacle for environment conservation. Hence, the development and environment conservation activities must go forward in integrated way. the environmental degradation has an adverse effect on development process. If there is no environment conservation, the development work will have no meaning. Environment is very important for all the living beings. To survive all the living beings depends upon environment. we human are mostly responsible for conservation because due to our carelessness environment is being unhealthy. without clean environment living being can't survive. All the living creature including human, micro-organism and plant are being able to survive due to environment. all the basic needs which are necessary to live a happy and prosperous life. Eco-environment is necessary to live for long lasting.
