
Need for caring earth

Need for caring earth

The earth is a common habitat for all living beings. It is the habitat of man, birds and animals, vegetation and other creatures. All living beings depend on various resources of the earth for their survival. The activities which are related with the conservation of the earth and all living and non-living being things help in caring the earth. The availability of the resources makes the earth as a sustainable habitat. It is necessary to care the earth to make it a sustainable habitat. The sustainability of the earth keeps up their harmony. Human beings should conduct different conversational activities for caring the earth. The main objective of caring of the earth is to conserve the earth by conducting the developmental activities in a sustainable way. Different efforts should be made for conserving natural state, structure and other aspects of the earth. Natural resources should be used without deteriorating their nature quality. The positive attitude of the people towards the importance of the earth helps in caring the earth. People should develop their positive attitude towards environment and the components of earth. The programme of caring the earth helps to conserve the earth. Natural heritages are the indispensable parts of the environment. The important sites are the habitat of some specials animals. The misuse and over exploitation of natural resources cause adverse effects on the earth. Over exploitation of these aspects create many problems like scarcity of food, season change, global warming, etc. the conservation of these natural components can help in caring the earth. Concept of caring of the earth accommodates the concept and techniques of conservation of natural resources. The natural heritages should be protected to preserve the biodiversity of the earth. Loss of one types of living beings affect another. That may affect human beings too. The earth is a common habitat of different living things including human beings. There are innumerable aquatic and terrestrial creatures on the surface of the earth. They are interrelated with one another. The destruction of any environmental element makes the survival of these creatures difficult. Likewise, the deterioration of any type of living beings affects another type of living beings. The conservation of biodiversity is not possible unless there is implementation of the strategies of caring the earth. Thus, it is necessary to conserve the biodiversity for better future of all beings.


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