Strategy of caring for earth
The caring of the earth means to conserve all the physical and biological aspects of the earth in its natural condition. Its aim is to provide an opportunity to continue the life of all the living beings. In order to implement the strategy of the world conservation effectively, for the care of earth and for the initiation of sustainable way of development; an action-plan was formulated in 1980 AD. This document explains the policies of the world natural heritage and sustainable development. Based on the guidelines action, programmes on be designed and implemented for the caring earth. The World conservation Strategy motivates and encourages all to take care of the earth. The programme for conservation of the earth should be conducted at local and national levels. A document containing the strategy for caring the earth was published by the joint effort of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Wildlife Fund(WWF). Different nations, international agencies, non-government organizations have supported and agreed to implement the strategy of caring for earth. Their conservation strategy stresses the various efforts to be made for the conservation of the environment and implement of the quality of the environment. Some of them are biodiversity conservation, application of sustainable development principles, natural resources conservation and so on. Along with these conservation activities the programmes should be conducted for the rehabilitation of the living standard of the people. The caring for earth has stated policies and different programmes for the conservation of the earth. The developmental activities should be intergraded with the conservational programmes to take of the earth. The development activities should include conservation programmes. These programmes will help to take care of the earth. The objective of developmental activities should be the improvement of human beings. But they should not emerge the environmental problems. The developmental activities should contribute the improvement of human life. There should be no destruction of natural resources in the name of the fulfillment of the basic needs. Economic justice in the society helps in the conservation of environment by reducing exploitation of natural resources. Therefore, income generating programmes and trainings should be conducted at local and national level. The gap between the rich and poor should be lowest in income and life style. Conducting development and income generating programmes at local and national levels can reduce the existing gap to some extend. It will make human life sustainable.
The rich countries should reduce their consumption pattern of the resources. Especially, the use of the non-renewable resources such as fossil fuel, natural gas, minerals should be drastically decreased. Alternative programmed will donate for the reduction of non-renewable resources. The renewable resources should be produces adequately to meet the need growing population. It helps in conservation of non-renewable resources. The rich countries should provide financial and technical support to the poor countries for pollution control and improvement of the quality of the environment. The people should understand that the carrying capacity of the earth is limited. It takes time to regenerate such resources in nature. Thus, their development activities should be within the limit of the carrying capacity of the earth.
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